
Hi, I'm LGUG2Z. (spoken aloud as "Jeezy" - the last two alphabetic characters [G, Z])
During my career I have worked across Central Asia and the Middle East in the humanitarian sector, and across Europe and North America as a software engineer.
I own, develop and operate notado.app, kullish, blucerne and xeetshot.
I maintain a number of popular educational source software projects and Discord communities, and I post software development content on YouTube
komorebi - Tiling window manager for Windows
Notado - Content-first bookmarking service
Kullish - Bring-your-own-links comment aggregator
Blucerne - Advanced search filters for Bluesky
whkd - Simple hotkey daemon for Windows
wpm - Windows Process Manager inspired by systemd
xeetshot - Longer xeets without Twitter Premium or threads
helix-vim - Batteries-included Vim-like configuration for Helix with a funny README
komokana - Automatic application-aware QMK-style keyboard layer switching for Windows
بیتیاب - Couplet-finder for classical Dari / Farsi / Tojiki Poetry
The World of Terra Ignota - Highlights from Ada Palmer’s novels describing the histories of the post-national “Hive” and “Bash” organisational structures
elasdx - Kubernetes-friendly ElasticSearch index template update, reindex and cleanup tool
unsubscan - Find unsubscribe links in your inbox
Recent Posts (Powered by Mastodon)
I just tagged the latest release of komorebi, v0.1.35 "Ghazza al 'Izza"
There is a lot of great stuff in this release, stay tuned for an overview video coming this week!
The number of casual breaking changes in different versions of Hugo is just too high for me now
I'm officially looking to move from Hugo to something with a more conservative approach to breaking changes
Recommendations welcome
Additionally, open source licensed software is being used to commit genocide in #Palestine
And the overwhelming response of the community is "we don't care", "it's not our problem", or in the case of Richard Stallman, outright genocide denial
Recent Highlights (Powered by Notado)
My highlights also include opinions and views that I disagree with; they should not be read as endorsements, or considered indicative of my own personal beliefs
One of my personal signals of a high quality codebase is the ability to make simple changes by touching as few files as possible.
If it takes edits to eight files to add a checkbox that’s an architectural design smell for me. I know there are plenty of systems out there that work like that but I’ve …
Building for Windows is easy. Running tests on windows is hard, because it’s a counter example for “everything is POSIX”. CI system should support POSIX and non-POSIX, and that level of heterogeneity is one of the hard problems.
I have recently been doing some upgrades to the build system for our FE code to swap out yarn for pnpm. I’m normally a backend engineer, but I’ve spent plenty of time in the JS mines.
The most frustrating thing about dipping in to the FE is that it seems like literally everything is deprecated. Oh, …
On the "Threads" app I got very similar experience, a lot of breastfeeding erotica and other weird adult content that made me feel I'm doing something illegal.
Also, their algorithm must be assessing human features too because at some point Instagram started showing me women with ever largest …
This feels representative of our times: Using chatbots to power a gig economy of para-social relationships for lonely people short on real in-person interactions.
The experience of passive consumption (cable TV, tiktok, etc, pointed out in another comment here) is essentially the experience of psychological obliteration.
When you get sucked into reels, you go from "here" to "there," and in the process, while you are "there," your entire whole self is …
On the "Threads" app I got very similar experience, a lot of breastfeeding erotica and other weird adult content that made me feel I'm doing something illegal.
Also, their algorithm must be assessing human features too because at some point Instagram started showing me women with ever largest …
Brilliant move.
The transition of the major social networks over the last 10-15 years -- from being a space for friends to interact to being a space to consume content produced by "unconnected" entities like influencers -- has created a huge opening for someone to claim the friends and family …
Meta has basically copied TikTok as an 1:1 app at least twice, the most recent being Lasso. The problem most of these many companies trying to emulate TikTok’s success is that the UI/UX and content delivery aren’t the secret sauce. It’s a near bulletproof algorithm that needs comparatively little …
The thing about #tech #layoffs that people who haven’t been through it often don’t understand is that morale never recovers. The employees who remain will never have the same relationship with that company, bosses or peers.
Watching people you respect pack their stuff and crying on the phone with …
@hipsterelectron @Codeberg Okay but that's the same problem as OSI arguably. It's using "protocol" in place of proper thinking and analysis. OSI thinks that, to be called open source, you need to accommodate every scorpion that wants to sting you. Codeberg, according to you, thinks that OSI …
@hipsterelectron @Codeberg In my opinion, the very public shift from projects like Redis will discourage open-source devs to defend themselves against open source abuse. Potentially, even discourage devs from going open source because they'll know someone like Amazon can abuse their labor while the …
> Sarah: Built a fusion reactor at 16. Now? Debugging fintech payment systems.
It's striking to imagine a fully functional fusion reactor that could benefit humanity, yet its creator now focuses on fintech payment systems. This highlights the importance of a strong middle class, which seems to be …
OK I guess I’m going to go against the deluge of comments here; And give an appreciable reason instead of denigrating those who might choose this.
The context, though, I am British. I grew up in Britain. I went to British school.
I can’t speak universally about my experience, (even within all of …
Four thoughts:
1. I've developed a analog->digital path for my kids. Before they can get a music player, they get a CD player. Before they get video games, they get board games. And then, for video games, before they get Super Mario Odyssey they get the original Super Mario Bros. Each of these "first …
July 5th through September in Seattle are a dream; incredibly long days, dry but not too hot. The sun never sets. I've been a lot of places on the planet and PNW summers are uniquely great.
However, during the winter it's dreary, it's dark by noon, and every year around October the raven comes …
This article doesn't mention it, but being laid off will change you at a psychological level. It can be a deeply traumatic event.
I was laid off over 5 years ago, and, as these things usually go, it was a complete shock to me. The company had been acquired, and my services were no longer needed. It …
Pair programming is draining for most introverts, and there are a lot of introvert programmers.
I love coding, but I'd rather work a McDonalds fryolator than pair for more than an hour at a time. Short bursts--fine. Mentorship--fine. That's not a joke or derision--I'm serious. The fryolater would be …