Handling Secrets in NixOS: An Overview

There are a number of different approaches available for NixOS users to handle secrets. The most popular tend to be git-crypt, agenix and sops-nix. But which one should you use?

To hopefully help you in answering this question for yourself, here is an overview of a few common use cases and what I think is most appropriate for each.

Managing Your Own Physical Machines

Maybe you have a desktop, a Macbook and a Raspberry Pi which you are managing from a single NixOS flake repo. Maybe you even have a NixOS dedicated server somewhere running in a datacenter which functions as your media server running Plex or Jellyfin.

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Providing Runtime Secrets to NixOS Services

In my last post, I shared how to get a working instance of Nitter deployed on NixOS, but requested advice on how to best automatically provision the guest_accounts.json runtime secret file on the target server.

A number of folks reached out to me on Mastodon (thanks @[email protected], @[email protected], @[email protected] and @[email protected]!) to suggest that I use agenix to copy encrypted files to the server and decrypt them in non-world readable directories, and then use systemd’s LoadCredentials option to make them available to the nitter service.

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