A Working Instance of Nitter on NixOS

With all of the various user and developer-hostile changes introduced to Twitter over the past year, the importance of a user-friendly alternative frontend for Twitter is greater than ever. After using public instances of Nitter for a while, I wanted to try hosting my own instance. I thought it would be as simple as enabling a service in my NixOS configuration: { services.nitter.enable = true; } Unfortunately, the only builds of Nitter that currently work are taken from a feature development branch which introduces changes both in build-time dependencies and runtime dependencies.
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Using Rust, Chrome and NixOS to Take Headless Screenshots for Social Sharing

The social media landscape from Twitter and Mastodon to Instagram and TikTok has, for better or worse, centralized on sharing text highlights and quotes as images rather than as plain text. Now I can share my highlights easily as images on social media! I like to share my highlights from across the web, which is why I publish topic-specific RSS feeds for people to subscribe to. However, one of the features that I’ve been missing for a while now on Notado is exporting screenshots for social sharing.
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Yubikey Passthrough on WSL2 With Full FIDO2 Support

I recently starting using Yubikeys both to store passkeys which allow me to do passwordless logins to websites like GitHub, and to SSH into remote servers with FIDO2. I have a number of machines at home, but I spend the majority of my time using a Windows 11 desktop computer running NixOS on WSL2 (in the past I’ve described Windows 11 + my tiling window manager komorebi as the “desktop environment” on top of my NixOS WSL2 shell).
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Sensible $WORDCHARS for Most Developers

Have you ever hit alt + backspace while in a zsh session, intending to delete just the last part of a path, or a word, or an identifier, but ended up deleting far more than that? This is probably because you are using the default value for $WORDCHARS. The default value for $WORDCHARS is *?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<> i.e. pretty much everything and the kitchen sink. Usually, therefore, you will want to remove characters which you don’t want to be considered parts of words
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Embedding RSS Feeds on My Static Website

I have wanted to redesign my website for a while now. In fact, I have wanted to redesign my website ever since I saw Nathan Wentworth’s website. If you haven’t seen it before, check it out. To this day it remains my favourite personal website on the internet. My favourite feature on his website has to be the regularly updating feeds; music from https://last.fm, recent posts from https://mastodon.social, and recent bookmarks from https://pinboard.
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Resurrecting My Old Website With Ancient NixOS Packages

The past few weeks I have been putting off updating my personal website, which has sat untouched since October 2019. I’ve done quite a lot of interesting work since 2019, so finally this past weekend, I forced myself to sit down, clone the repository, and update it. My personal website is nothing fancy; just a static website built with Hugo and a community theme, and hosted on S3. This should be simple, right?
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