I have tried running the Attic Nix Binary Cache on my Hetzner dedicated server in Germany a few times in the past, but the peering issues and the latency to Xfinity in Seattle have always made me throw my hands up in frustration.

This morning I noticed a comment by Zhaofeng on the repo issue tracker.

As a NixOS aficionado myself, I begrudgingly admit that I’ve been running my instance on fly.io 😛

I’m not sure if this is comment is still current, but hey, if Zhaofeng is/was running his binary cache on fly.io, there’s no reason why we can’t too, right?


While Attic does support local storage, I figured I’d use Cloudflare’s R2 as a storage backend, both as an excuse to try out the free tier (10GB), and because it’ll be easy enough to lift-and-shift if I ever decide to move the server from fly.io.

It’s easy enough to create a new R2 bucket and grab a read-write API token scoped to the bucket on the Cloudflare Dashboard.

Server Configuration

Once we have our credentials, we can put together a configuration file for the Attic server based on the example config.

listen = "[::]:8080"
token-hs256-secret-base64 = "<generate this with openssl rand 64 | base64 -w0>"

url = "sqlite:///data/attic.db?mode=rwc"

bucket = "<your bucket name>"
type = "s3"
region = "auto"
endpoint = "https://<your cloudflare account id>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com"

access_key_id = "<your access key id>"
secret_access_key = "<your secret access key>"

nar-size-threshold = 65536
min-size = 16384
avg-size = 65536
max-size = 262144

type = "zstd"

interval = "12 hours"

One thing to note is that we are storing our SQLite database file at /data/attic.db - this is going to be a fly volume that we’ll create soon.

You should probably git-crypt this file (or encrypt it with sops or age) in your configuration repo since it has sensitive credentials.

Not sure about how to handle secrets in NixOS configuration repos? I have a big old article all about handling secrets in NixOS!


Luckily, there is an automatically published Docker image available for us to extend. There isn’t much to do here except bring in our configration file, reference it when we start atticd and ensure it’s running in monolithic mode.

FROM ghcr.io/zhaofengli/attic:latest
COPY ./server.toml /attic/server.toml
CMD ["-f", "/attic/server.toml", "--mode", "monolithic"]

Fly Config

The last piece of the deployment puzzle is to put together a fly.toml file for our atticd instance.

Let’s start by ensuring we have a volume created in our desired region.

fly volume create atticdata -r sea -n 1

The volume can be called whatever we want, we just need to make sure to update the source in the [mounts] section in our fly.toml file.

app = "<pick your own fly app name>"
primary_region = "sea"

  source = "atticdata"
  destination = "/data"

  internal_port = 8080
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0
  processes = ["app"]

  type = "connections"
  hard_limit = 1000
  soft_limit = 1000

That’s pretty much it, time to fly deploy! (I do this with --ha=false since I don’t want to create more than one machine)

Generating an Attic token

We’ll need to execute a command on the newly deployed fly.io machine to generate a “godmode” token for ourselves. Let’s start by getting the machine ID.

fly machine list --json |  jq --raw-output '.[].id'

Then we can call the atticadm command on the fly.io machine via fly machine exec to generate our token.

fly machine exec <your machine id> 'atticadm make-token --sub "<your preferred username>" --validity "10y" --pull "*" --push "*" --create-cache "*" --configure-cache "*" --configure-cache-retention "*" --destroy-cache "*" --delete "*" -f /attic/server.toml'

We need to keep this token somewhere safe and preferably encrypted. I keep mine encrypted with sops-nix in my NixOS configuration monorepo and have it decrypted and mounted to /run/secrets/attic/token on machines that have been given access to decrypt it.

Logging into Attic

This part is pretty simple! We can call the server whatever we like in our configuration; here “fly” will do. The final two arguments are the URL generated for our fly.io app and our access token.

# if pkgs.attic is installed in environment.systemPackages
attic login fly https://<your fly app name>.fly.dev $(cat /run/secrets/attic/token)

# if pkgs.attic is not installed, we can always run it directly from the flake
nix run github:zhaofengli/attic#default login fly https://<your fly app name>.fly.dev $(cat /run/secrets/attic/token)

Pushing to our Attic cache

Now that we have the atticd cache server running on fly.io and our computer authenticated with a token that allows us to push, let’s set up a cache and push our entire(!) system configuration.

Note: In my case 256MB of RAM was not enough to keep up with everything I wanted to push! I suggest scaling the RAM to at least 512MB, if not 1GB with fly scale memory 512. The snippet below assumes that you have bumped the RAM to 512MB which should be able to handle three concurrent jobs (-j 3) without the machine giving “out of memory” errors and restarting the atticd process.

# if pkgs.attic is installed in environment.systemPackages
attic cache create system -j 3
attic push system /run/current-system -j 3

# if pkgs.attic is not installed, we can always run it directly from the flake
nix run github:zhaofengli/attic#default cache create system -j 3
nix run github:zhaofengli/attic#default push system /run/current-system -j 3

Configuring NixOS to use our Attic binary cache

There are two things that we need to do before we can configure NixOS to use our new binary cache.

First, we need to get the public key of our system cache.

attic cache info system

Next, we need to create a netrc file which contains our attic token. The format looks like this:

machine <your fly app name>.fly.dev
password <your attic token>

Since this file once again contains sensitive information, if you want to store this in your configuration repo, I recommend encrypting it. In the example below, I have added the netrc file contents via sops-nix, which mounts the decrypted contents to /run/secrets/attic/netrc for machines that have been given decryption access.

  nix = {
    settings = {
      substituters = [
        "https://nix-community.cachix.org?priority=41" # this is a useful public cache!
        "https://numtide.cachix.org?priority=42" # this is also a useful public cache!
        "https://<your fly app name>.fly.dev/system?priority=43"
      trusted-public-keys = [
        "<your cache public key>"

      netrc-file = config.sops.secrets."attic/netrc".path;

Now, when our NixOS machines are rebuilt:

  • First the official NixOS cache (with a priority of 40) will be checked
  • Next, the nix-community public cache (with a priority of 41) will be checked
  • Next, the numtide public cache (with a priority of 42) will be checked
  • Finally, our private cache (with a priority of 43) will be checked
  • If there are no cache hits at all, the package will be built from source

What we have at this point is pretty damn cool.

In the next article we’ll make this even cooler still, by setting up GitHub Actions jobs to build each of our NixOS system configurations whenever we push a new commit, and push the outputs of each those builds to our private system cache!

If you have any questions or comments you can reach out to me on Twitter and Mastodon.

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