Notado 07/2023 Update: API Price Gouging, New Services, Archiving

The last few months have seen a flurry of changes on major social media websites like Twitter and Reddit with regards to API access. This has also resulted in a number of new competitors seeing rapid growth and becoming new hubs for online discussion. Let’s start with the first point: you will always be able to save Reddit comments and Tweets to Notado by highlighting and saving a text selection. This doesn’t require any API access or scraping, and it will always work because it only relies on what is visible in your browser.
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The Bookmarking Data Model Is Wrong For Highlighting

The data model for bookmarking and highlighting services past and present can generally be distilled down to the following: * URL * Title * Scraped Content * User Highlight * User Annotation * ... Other Metadata The bookmark itself is tied to a URL, and anything else related to the bookmark, such as the title, the scraped content (if the service scrapes on your behalf), highlights and annotations are stored as additional metadata linked to that URL.
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