The Open-Source Contributions I Appreciate Most

I have previously written about how I unwittingly found myself at the center of an accidental community with a shared desire for a stable, reliable tiling windows manager for Windows. Despite the huge growth of komorebi users, I remain for all intents and purposes the sole developer of the codebase. Several of the most important aspects of komorebi today however are in large part thanks to community contributions. In no particular order:
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The Pleasure of Accidental Communities

It was during the shutdowns of 2020 that I became increasingly frustrated with my Intel MacBook pro. It was slow, loud and hot; all the things that many people, myself included, dislike about laptops. I decided to build a PC. After a month or so spent scouring the internet for parts, I had assembled a PC. I ran Pop!_OS for a while, but this being my first desktop machine in over a decade, I spent a fair about of time dual booting into Windows to play all the video games that I missed out on as a macOS user.
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