Best of Hacker News Comments
Earlier this week I saw an Ask HN post titled “What are some iconic comments on HN?”
Over the years, I’ve seen some iconic comments on HN. Inspired by this, I want to create a website showcasing the most memorable discussions and comments on this website.
What are some of your favorite comments on HN?
I have been saving comments from Hacker News on a variety of subjects and topics since 2020 when I finally ditched traditional URL-focused bookmarking services and created Notado to be able to save, archive and organize comments on discussion websites quickly and easily.
Returning readers will already know that I publish a number of topic-specific RSS feeds from Notado, and my latest saved highlights and comments on those feeds are always available on the homepage.
At the time of writing this post, I have over 700 comments from Hacker News saved in my Notado account.
Now is as good a time as ever to publish an RSS feed to share my personal collection of saved Hacker News Comments with others.
This feed is automatically updated with every comment I save from Hacker News; comments I agree with, comments I disagree with, comments that make me think, comments that make me laugh, comments that make me feel nostalgic, and all the comments in between.
This is achieved by creating an automatic tagging rule of source:hn
anything saved from
, and then creating a Notado Feed
which which is automatically populated using the source:hn
IF url CONTAINS "" TAG "source:hn"
You can subscribe to this feed with any good old fashioned RSS feed reader to receive updates whenever I save a new HN comment.
If you have any questions or comments you can reach out to me on Mastodon.
If you’re interested in what I read to come up with software like Notado, you can subscribe to my Software Development RSS feed.
If you’d like to watch me writing code while explaining what I’m doing, you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel.
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